Tithi Paul

IT Enthusiast and Solicitous in Machine Learning.



A lot of people tell me, once they get to know me, that they're surprised that I'm nothing like they think I'll be. I am Tithi Paul considered myself as a self dependent, outspoken and hardworking girl. I am a proud Computer Science and Engineering student at University of Barishal. I am not an expert in any Sector but I am a specialist on acquiring knowledge. I love to learn new things. I want to implement my desire thought by new knowledge. Though I am not expert in programming but I love this.Currently I am sinking into the Matching Learning. I am thirst for learning this. Moreover I love to keep myself happy because I believe that only a happy man can keeps another one happy. I love to cook and feed people. I also love to watching movie and making me emotional. Last but not the least I love my name and myself also.

Full Name: Tithi Paul.

Email: tithi.cse3.bu@gmail.com

Contact No: +8801516758523

Alternative Contact No: +8801306938987

Department: Computer science & Engineering.

Institute: Barishal University.

Nationality: Bangladesh.


What can I do for you

Problem Solve

I love to keep myself busy to solve different types of problem.I am a regular problem solver on Codeforces, UVA, Spoj & LightOJ. Also I like to learn different algorithoms & I try to leran every algorithm that catches my eyes. In 2020, My team got award for divisional champion in NGPC.

Web Devloper

I design, develop, test and deploy web applications. I gather and define requirements, maintain websites, troubleshoots and fixes bugs, follows best practices. I have strong knowledge about PHP, javasript,Bootstrap & currently i am learning JQuery & React.

Machine Learning

I fully believe on power of AI & tring to make myself ready to be a part of this historical transformed of AI. I am a little mini creature tring to grab a small portion of AI. I am currently research on Machine Learning & get myself happy with every part of machine learning.

IT Specialist

For this thirst of technology,I have been in a lot of danger many times but I never stopped. I have knowledge of handling file system in different operating system, technical hardware, system administration, AAA, Cryptography,cloud and so many things...


View some of my recent work

Publications on CPU Scheduling Algorithm

Publication on Round Robin Process scheduling Algorithm My First publication on "Round Robin" process scheduling algorithm named by "Improved Round Robin Scheduling Algorithm with Progressive Time Quantum" published on 18 september 2019 at "International Journal of Computer Application.

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Ada Lovelace National Girls Programming Contest 2020

Divisional Champion

It was my dream to participate any national onsite contest. I was excited more than my teammates. My excitement converted into blase when we became Divisional champion in that contest. It was really one of my best memorable moment.

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Web Design

Barishal University Website

I got an opportunity to express my love for my university through this work. I tried to uphold my university culture in this website. I did this project with html, css & Javascript Language.

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Web Design

Art Gallery Website

Art Gallary is a place where works of art are collected, cared for , researched and displayed for everyone to visit this world. Every art has a story of its own. I am trying to reconstruact this ancient precious content for this trendy world. From this gallery people can read more & more valuable books of our historical life, science fiction with exchange of little bit amont. I did this website with php, javascript, jquery .

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Web Design

PANDEALO E-commerce Website

The project PANDEALO is formally an E-commerce website. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, & Bootstrap used as frontend designed and Object Oriented PHP used as Server site language. MySQLi used as RDBMS. An administration panel is created for manipulating product and user’s information and allows their role to be changed. The shopping *Cart & *Wishlist sections enable to ensure the current purchase product in cart & wishlist for future desire product.

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Courses that I learned to build up myself
  • Google IT Support

    This specialization is combination of five courses. I completed this specialization few months ago. I realized how much my skills have developed. I dive into the world of information technology from this course. I learn about how to utilize common problem-solving methodologies and soft skills in an Information Technology setting. I have been get a very deep knowledge about TCP/IP protocols, understand how system processes work and how to manage them, work with system logs and remote connection tools, utilize best practices for choosing hardware, vendors, and services , backup data and know how to recover IT infrastructure in the case of a disaster, how various encryption algorithms and techniques work as well as their benefits and limitations, & the difference between authentication and authorization.

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  • GOOGLE IT Automation

    I would like to acknowledge that through this course I started problem solving with python. And now python is one of my favourite language. After completing this course I am able to manipulate files and processes on operating system, learn about regular expression, understand Git's core functionality, get knowledge of Python and Linux, learn about the current industry standard for configuration management, tackle real-world scenarios in Qwiklabs that was a challenge for me. I am able to take a description of a problem and create a solution. At least I completed a capstone project from this specialization.

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  • Machine Learning for all

    Machine Learning, often called Artificial Intelligence or AI, is one of the most exciting areas of technology at the moment. I understand the basic idea of machine learning & introduce to Machine Learning without needing any programming.

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  • Neural Networks and Deep Learning

    In this course I Introduce to deep learning, Be able to explain the major trends driving the rise of deep learning, and understand where and how it is applied today, also dive in with forward & backward propagation.

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  • Basic Image Classification with Tensorflow

    This is a hand on project. From this project learn the basics of using Keras with TensorFlow as its backend and use it to solve a basic image classification problem & created, trained, and evaluated a Neural Network model that will be able to predict digits from hand-written images with a high degree of accuracy

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  • Basic Sentiment Analysis with TensorFlow

    In this project, I learn the basics of using Keras with TensorFlow as its backend learn how to use it to solve a basic sentiment analysis problem. I had created, trained, and evaluated a Neural Network model that, after the training,& predict movie reviews as either positive or negative reviews - classifying the sentiment of the review text.

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  • Avoid Overfitting Using Regularization in TensorFlow

    I learn the basics of using weight regularization and dropout regularization to reduce over-fitting in an image classification problem from this course. I created, trained, and evaluated a Neural Network model that, after the training and regularization, will predict image classes of input examples with similar accuracy for both training and validation sets.

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  • Predicting House Prices with Regression using TensorFlow

    This is a hand on project. From this project learn the basics of using Keras with TensorFlow as its backend and use it to solve a basic image classification problem & created, trained, and evaluated a Neural Network model that will be able to predict digits from hand-written images with a high degree of accuracy.

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  • Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)

    Get basic knowledge of python & familiar with syntax, regular expression , loop, conditional statement, dictionary, list, string in python.

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  • Build Your First React Website

    A hands-on experience with React. By the end of this course I understand the fundamental of React and be able to create and build a website with React with ease.

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  • Write Professional Emails in English

    By completing this course I am benefitted with many sector for writing a powerful email, See differences and similarities among the different email formats, write more effective subject lines and email text apply various key language to different types of emails, correct common errors such as punctuation and capitalization, study tone and level of formality in emails. Understand how culture affects what is appropriate in a business emails.

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